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30 års Jubilæum (20. september 2024)

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Behnam Liaghat (DK)
Anders Nedergaard (DK)
Ben Cormack (GB)
Claus Kjærgaard (DK)
Per Gade (DK)
David Vandeput (BEL)
Christian Garlich (GER)

Så er vi klar med programmet til vores 30 års jubilæum !

Scandic, Kokholm 2, 6000 Kolding

Kl. 10 Velkomst ved Rasmus Dons, formand for MDT i Danmark.

Kl. 10.05-10.15: Indkøring ved moderator Behnam Liaghat, Asst. Professor, PhD, Specialist i Sportsfysioterapi.
Oplæg: ”Barrierer og trends i fremtidens MSK forskning”

Kl. 10.15-11.15: Anders Nedergaard, Ph.d., Foredragsholder, konsulent og debattør.
Oplæg: ”Tilpasninger til træning i muskelskeletsystemet fra makro til mikro”

Kl. 11.15-12.15: Ben Cormack, PT, Cor-Kinetic Co-Director - The Better Clinician project.
Oplæg: ”Taking a fresh look at exercise for painful problems”

Kl. 12.15-13.15: Frokost og pause

Kl. 13.15-13.45: Claus Kjærgaard, PhD-studerende og Underviser for MDT i Danmark.
Oplæg: ”Kroniske smerter - er retningspræference så noget værd?”

Kl. 13.45-14.15: Per Gade, Fagdirektør hos Dansk Sundhedssikring A/S
Oplæg: ”Private sundhedssikringer, markedets forventninger og udvikling”

Kl. 14.15-14.45: Kaffe og kage

Kl. 14.45-15.35: David Vandeput, PT, Senior Lecturer for McKenzie Institute International.
Oplæg: ”The Importance of Cervical-Thoracic Spine Assessment in Patients with Shoulder Complaints: A Prospective Observational and Longitudinal Study”

Kl. 15.35-16.15: Christian Garlich, PT, MScPP, Dip MDT.
Oplæg: ”The Universe of Tendinopathies – Clinical reasoning AND treatment AND what MDT offers.”

Kl. 16.15-17.15: MDT er vært for en øl og vand i fredagsbaren


MERE INFO om de enkelte oplægsholdere og oplæg (opdateres løbende)


Anders Nedergaard, Ph.d., Foredragsholder, konsulent og debattør.

Oplæg: ”Tilpasninger til træning i muskelskeletsystemet fra makro til mikro”

Hvem er han?
Anders Nedergaard er biokemiker og humanbiolog og lavede sin PhD på institut for idrætsmedicin (ISMC) Bispebjerg og Department of Biomedical research, University of Columbia, Missouri. Han har således en uddannelsesmæssig baggrund i molekylær muskelbiologi, hvor han har har lavet grundvidenskabeligt arbejde på ISMC og siden på Nordic Bioscience som Post Doc. Interessemæssigt er han dog drevet mere og mere mod fysiologi, ernæringsvidenskab og sportsvidenskab. Han har været selvstændig konsulent siden 2015, hvor han arbejder med at lave videnskabelig formidling og content til tredjeparter.


Ben Cormack, PT, Cor-Kinetic Co-Director - The Better Clinician project.
Oplæg: ”Taking a fresh look at exercise for painful problems”

Indhold: Join ben as he explores exercise for painful problems through a modern evidence based lens. He will explore potential mechanisms that underpin exercises rela-tionship with pain and ask the question “how specific can we or need to be”

Hvem er han?
Ben Cormack owns and runs Cor-Kinetic. He is a musculoskeletal therapist with a clinical background/qualification in sports therapy (GST - London Metropolitan), rehabilitation, & exercise stretching back over 15 years with a special interest in pain and its relation to movement.
Ben is a popular international presenter who has delivered conferences presentations and courses all over the world. Ben specialises in a movement & exercise based approach with a strong education component and patient centred focus.
Ben will also explore the concept of dosage for exercise & pain, this could be the missing link!


Claus Kjærgaard, PhD-studerende og Underviser for MDT i Danmark.
Oplæg: ”Kroniske smerter - er retningspræference så noget værd?”

Hvem er han?
Claus Kjærgaard er PhD-studerende ved Klinisk Institut på Aalborg Universitet og undersøger bl.a værdien af retningspræference ved kroniske, muskuloskeletale smerter. I studiet vil han undersøge om retningspræference har prædiktiv værdi, og mere specifikt om det er vigtigt at træne på en bestemt måde. Claus har en kandidatuddannelse fra Aarhus Universitet, er Specialist i Muskuloskeletal Fysioterapi og underviser for Dansk Selskab for MDT. DipMDT-uddannelsen færdiggjorde han i 2010. Det kliniske arbejde har i flere år foregået hos Skanderborg Rygklinik.


Per Gade, Fagdirektør hos Dansk Sundhedssikring A/S
Oplæg: ”Private sundhedssikringer, markedets forventninger og udvikling”

Indhold: Antallet af privat sundhedsforsikringer vokser hurtigt i vestlige samfund. Hvad er kundernes og virksomhederne, der udbyder sundhedsforsikringernes krav nu og i fremtiden?


David Vandeput, PT, Senior Lecturer for McKenzie Institute International.
Oplæg: ”The Importance of Cervical-Thoracic Spine Assessment in Patients with Shoulder Complaints: A Prospective Observational and Longitudinal Study”

Indhold: This research emphasizes the significance of evaluating the cervical-thoracic spine (CTS) in patients presenting with shoulder pain, challenging the prevailing ambiguity regarding its necessity. Through a longitudinal study of 52 individuals, the investigation revealed that a notable proportion (30%) exhibited an immediate improvement in shoulder tests following a McKenzie Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) assessment and treatment of the CTS. These improvements were particularly pronounced in patients with reducible cervical derangements, as evidenced by significant enhancements in shoulder function and pain relief over time, measured through the SPADI, SST, and Rand-36 pain questionnaire. After one year, the majority of participants reported fulfilling their therapeutic expectations and achieving clinically meaningful progress. The findings advocate for a mandatory CTS assessment before conducting shoulder tests to accurately interpret clinical outcomes and suggest that individuals with specific cervical mobility impairments and responsiveness to posture correction are especially likely to benefit from targeted cervical spine interventions.


Christian Garlich, PT, MScPP, Dip MDT.
Oplæg: ”The Universe of Tendinopathies – Clinical reasoning AND treatment AND what MDT offers.”

Indhold: The Universe of Tendinopathies – ‘The devil is in the details’.
Tendinopathies are a typical tendon disorder that result in pain and functional impairment of the tendon-muscle-unit. Affected are commonly active people involved in running, jumping, throwing and hitting sports, but can impact non-athletes as well.
Much evidence has emerged over the last decades to address the persistent and recurrent nature of tendinopathies. Nevertheless, many treatments failing to accomplish a 100% success rate and many patients fail to attain symptom resolution!
In this presentation, the speaker will use different patient scenarios to inform about common beliefs, gaps and misconceptions in patients and therapists regarding tendinopathies.

Hvem er han?
Christian Garlich has been a physiotherapist since 2008 and works at the 'Certified McKenzie Clinic' PULZ in Freiburg (Germany). In 2018, he completed his master's degree (MSc Physiotherapeutic Practice) at the University of Dundee. As part of the master’s degree, he conducted a research project 'Prevention of Achilles Tendon Disorders' in cooperation with the University Medical Center Freiburg.

Christian is Instructor of the McKenzie Institute D|CH|A and Theoretical and Clinical Educator of the Diploma Program of the McKenzie Institute International.
In clinical practice, he focuses primarily on patients with chronic spinal complaints, functional disorders of the extremities and sports injuries.
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    30 års Jubilæum
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